Monday, November 5, 2007

God is Looking for a Few Good Men and Women

Judges 7:2-7; Mt. 18:20

What a joy it would be if we had entire churches filled with men and women whose prayer lives were exemplary. It would even be great to have half or even a fourth of our churches filled with praying men and women. It doesn’t take a mighty army to accomplish God’s will. He can trim the forces down to a smaller force and use those men and women to win the battle.

How many does it take to start a strong prayer ministry? At least one! God can take those who are committed to Him and use them to bring others into the fold. Large groups praying together may not be the best way to go. In large groups, some of the lesser aggressive ones will remain silent and only a few have the opportunity to pray. The best way to pray with others is in smaller groups where everyone has the opportunity to pray. In large groups, individuals may feel intimidated because they feel they are “on stage” so to speak. In smaller groups it is easier to speak openly and honestly without feeling intimidated.

You can learn a lot about how to pray to be in a small group and listen to others pray, especially if people are praying from their hearts. It may take some people several times in the group before they will voice a prayer aloud. God is looking for a few good men and women who will learn how to pray. What you learn in a class if good but what you learn praying with others is invaluable. You cannot catch the spirit of prayer in a class or a book. The best way to learn to pray is to pray both alone and with others.

I have gone to prayer meetings weary and exhausted from a day’s work. I would much have preferred to have just gone home and rested. But after a time of praying with other believers who prayed heartfelt prayers, I was spiritually and physically invigorated. I was relaxed and felt good. What a blessing are times like that.

Jesus has promised to be in the midst of those gathered to pray in His name. When we pray, not just for the sake of praying but because of a heartfelt need, we receive power. Do the math! If one person prays and others just listen, that’s one prayer even if there are 1000 people present and if that prayer is not heartfelt and genuine, it’s not even one prayer. Take a small group of 12 people and each one prays. If the other 11 are actively praying by listening and participating in the prayer through their intense focus, that’s 12 prayers rather than one. If all 12 voice a prayer, that’s 144 prayers.

Active participation in group prayers could mean intense focus and attention or it could mean a silent or verbal response such as, “Yes, Lord”, “Amen”, or other appropriate statements. Don’t take away from the person praying but support him or her in their prayers. To passively listen means to merely hear with our ears but our hearts are not really in tune with the words being prayed.

God is looking for a few good men and women who will join their hearts together to pray for the needs of His people and for the salvation of lost souls. He wants those people to pray for sick people but not to limit their prayers to the physically sick. Would you like to join with His people as they approach His throne and see the power of the Spirit reign down? If so, find some other believers and pray with them.

Father, teach me to pray. I pray alone so much that maybe my praying is becoming stale and I need a fresh infusion of your Spirit. Please provide me with the opportunity to join with others to pray and grow in my prayer life. Thank You. Amen

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