Monday, November 5, 2007

Keep on Keeping On

Luke 11:5-10

What friendship could not achieve, persistence and importunity did. The friend did not respond with the bread because of their friendship. He responded because the man was relentless in his asking. He would not give up until he got what he needed. Does God expect us to be this persistent? Do you really think He wants us to keep knocking in the middle of the night and keep asking even though He has already told us no more than once? Absolutely, positively, without a doubt, YES!

Remember this was Jesus telling this story. It wasn’t something made up by this author. Jesus said we are to ask and keep on asking. We are to search and keep on searching. We are to knock and keep on knocking. We are to be unyielding in our pursuit to get God to answer our prayer. If we ask God once for something and He says no, to walk away and not keep on asking is like saying, “That’s OK God. I didn’t really think you could do that anyway.” If that’s our attitude, we shouldn’t even bother praying. That kind of praying is worse than a waste of time because it teaches a wrong theology of prayer. If you don’t believe God can answer your prayer, there is no point in praying. God wants boldness, confidence and persistence in our prayers.

A similar story from my own life is the time when I was young and wanted to make a “long distance” call to a town seven miles away. My father said no but I kept on asking and asking until I wore him down. He finally said, “Go ahead, it’s worth a nickel (the cost of the call) just to get you to leave me alone”. When we want something badly enough to keep on asking and asking until we get what we want, that’s the kind of persistence God wants us to have. Is God bothered by our persistence? no! No! NO! What bothers God is our lack of persistence. If we ask once or twice (or even more) and then stop asking, He gets the impression that we don’t really want what we are praying for very much. He then refuses to answer that prayer because our heart isn’t really in it. When we keep on and finally convince Him (maybe even after seventy times seven times) that we are determined to get a positive answer, He will respond. He then becomes our strongest supporter.

God is waiting to hear from you. He may not hear you the first time just as Jesus did not hear the Syrophoenician woman. He heard her but was waiting for her plea to reach a certain level of intensity. He wanted her faith to come to the point that she was willing to pursue the matter in the face of obstacles. Her cries were bothering the disciples to the point that they asked Jesus to send her away. Several times Jesus told people their prayers would be answered because of their faith. This is one of only two instances where He said, “Your faith is great”. She knew Jesus had the power to heal and she would not give up easily. She wanted Jesus to heal her daughter. Two things attributed to getting her request answered. First of all, she had great faith. She really, beyond any shadow of a doubt, believed that Jesus could heal. Secondly, she believed it so much she was willing to be a nuisance if that was what it would take.

The Waiting Father is like the father of the prodigal son who watched and waited constantly for his child to come home. God is waiting for you to come to Him with your requests but He doesn’t want a mealy mouthed request. He wants you to come pleading and begging. Never give up.

Father, I have prayed many short prayers and walked away from them hoping you would hear and respond. I even tacked on, “….if it be your will” to give you an out in case you chose not to answer the prayer. Forgive me for my lack of faith and persistence. When I have a prayer request, I won’t quit asking. I will keep on asking until you answer……….

God is Looking for a Few Good Men and Women

Judges 7:2-7; Mt. 18:20

What a joy it would be if we had entire churches filled with men and women whose prayer lives were exemplary. It would even be great to have half or even a fourth of our churches filled with praying men and women. It doesn’t take a mighty army to accomplish God’s will. He can trim the forces down to a smaller force and use those men and women to win the battle.

How many does it take to start a strong prayer ministry? At least one! God can take those who are committed to Him and use them to bring others into the fold. Large groups praying together may not be the best way to go. In large groups, some of the lesser aggressive ones will remain silent and only a few have the opportunity to pray. The best way to pray with others is in smaller groups where everyone has the opportunity to pray. In large groups, individuals may feel intimidated because they feel they are “on stage” so to speak. In smaller groups it is easier to speak openly and honestly without feeling intimidated.

You can learn a lot about how to pray to be in a small group and listen to others pray, especially if people are praying from their hearts. It may take some people several times in the group before they will voice a prayer aloud. God is looking for a few good men and women who will learn how to pray. What you learn in a class if good but what you learn praying with others is invaluable. You cannot catch the spirit of prayer in a class or a book. The best way to learn to pray is to pray both alone and with others.

I have gone to prayer meetings weary and exhausted from a day’s work. I would much have preferred to have just gone home and rested. But after a time of praying with other believers who prayed heartfelt prayers, I was spiritually and physically invigorated. I was relaxed and felt good. What a blessing are times like that.

Jesus has promised to be in the midst of those gathered to pray in His name. When we pray, not just for the sake of praying but because of a heartfelt need, we receive power. Do the math! If one person prays and others just listen, that’s one prayer even if there are 1000 people present and if that prayer is not heartfelt and genuine, it’s not even one prayer. Take a small group of 12 people and each one prays. If the other 11 are actively praying by listening and participating in the prayer through their intense focus, that’s 12 prayers rather than one. If all 12 voice a prayer, that’s 144 prayers.

Active participation in group prayers could mean intense focus and attention or it could mean a silent or verbal response such as, “Yes, Lord”, “Amen”, or other appropriate statements. Don’t take away from the person praying but support him or her in their prayers. To passively listen means to merely hear with our ears but our hearts are not really in tune with the words being prayed.

God is looking for a few good men and women who will join their hearts together to pray for the needs of His people and for the salvation of lost souls. He wants those people to pray for sick people but not to limit their prayers to the physically sick. Would you like to join with His people as they approach His throne and see the power of the Spirit reign down? If so, find some other believers and pray with them.

Father, teach me to pray. I pray alone so much that maybe my praying is becoming stale and I need a fresh infusion of your Spirit. Please provide me with the opportunity to join with others to pray and grow in my prayer life. Thank You. Amen

First of All

I TIM 2:1-8
Paul was a man of prayer. It seems that we spend a lot more time discussing his theological teachings than his teachings on prayer. Not that there is anything wrong with his theology or studying it. The problem is that we do so at the neglect of his powerful teachings on prayer. Let’s take a look at some of these teachings.
To begin with, he puts prayer first. He starts by saying “first of all”. Prayer is primary and should come before anything else. We do not pray to ask God to bless what we have already decided to do. If we make a decision to do something before we pray about it, then we are on our own. Sometimes that’s called the yoyo approach (You’re On Your Own). God wants us to come to Him for direction in our lives, not confirmation that we made the right decision without His help. We are so prone to choose things that we like to do because we enjoy doing them. That’s okay in our personal lives, at least to some degree but when it comes to serving God, it is disobedience. Just because we are filling a position in the church does not mean that we are serving God. Sometimes we are only serving ourselves or attempting to salve a bleeding conscience.
I love the story about the woman who, when she wanted to do something for her husband, would bake him a rhubarb pie. She loved baking rhubarb pies and was quite good at it. The only problem was that he did not like rhubarb pies. She was only doing what she enjoyed doing and wanted him to enjoy the fruits of her labor. Her efforts were self-serving. He did not get any satisfaction or fulfillment out of what she did. Neither does God pleased with our self-serving efforts in the church. Sometimes we accept a position to serve in the church in order to avoid what God really wants us to do. God doesn’t want substitute service. He wants us to do what He calls us to do.
If we do not seek first of all His will and direction, we will be misguided and will not find a sense of joy in service. More than anything else, joy comes as a result of obedience. It may come in the midst of doing something we thought we would not like to do. There is a song that says, “It is no sacrifice to follow Jesus”. No matter what we have to give up to follow Him in loving obedience, we will be more than rewarded both here on earth and later in heaven.
Prayer cannot be relegated to later when we have more time. God wants us to seek His leadership before we consult with ourselves. First of all means before anything else. Therefore He wants us to pray to begin each day. Prayer is to be the foundation of all that we do. Before we start looking for that new house or new car, we should pray. Before we go to work, before we start a project at home, before we start studying to teach a Bible Study lesson, before we go to choir practice, before we go to school, before we do anything we are to seek His guidance.
When we do some simple task such as go to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread? Certainly not! Ask God to safely take you there and return you home. God may even give you an opportunity to minister to someone while you are out. He may have a blessing in store for you if you dedicate this simple little trip to Him. How long does it take to say, “God please give me a safe trip and bless any encounter I have with people on this trip”. This kind of prayer might prepare you for any difficult encounter you might have with someone. To pray for “mundane” things like this is “praying without ceasing”.
God wants us to pray first of all, during, and at the conclusion of all of our activities.

Keys to a Powerful Prayer Life

The story is told of a country boy who was more brawn than brain. He was a hard worker who cut firewood for a living. One day when he went into the hardware store to get a new saw, the clerk told him about a chain saw and promised him that he could cut five times as much wood a day. The country boy bought the chain saw but came back at the end of the next day and said that he didn't cut nearly a much wood with the new saw as he did with his old one. The clerk told him that he had to get up early and work late. The next day he worked from sunup to sundown and was still unhappy. The following day he went back in and demanded his money back. The clerk said, "let's take this saw outside and check it out". When they got outside, the clerk cranked it up and it immediately went, "varoom, varoom". The country boy stepped back and said, "Hey, what's that noise".

It isn’t funny when we try to use something that requires power and we don’t even try to access the power. How could you use an electric corded drill without plugging it in? Or how about using your microwave when it is unplugged? I couldn’t tell you how many times I have tried to use a power tool or appliance when I had no power and all of you have done the same thing. We know better but we just forget that the power isn’t there.

Like the ole boy with the chain saw, we try to operate on our own power. His problem was that he didn’t know any better. Our problem is a little different. We know better but we don’t seem to trust the power source. God tells what He will do if we are righteous and if we truly have faith in Him. Because of our disbelief, we have disconnected ourselves from the source of power.

I want to talk to you about six keys to a powerful prayer life. There are many more but we are only to talk about these today.


Back in the late 60’s when I was living in Louisville, a man died who lived in a cheap boarding
hotel in downtown Louisville. Unlike the typical boarding house resident, his death made the
headlines of the Courier-Journal the next day. His name was John Y. Brown, the richest man in
the state of Kentucky. Even though he had millions of dollars at his disposal, he chose to live an
impoverished life. Our plight is similar to his. Even though we are children of God who has
untold spiritual blessings that He is waiting to give us, we choose to live an impoverished
spiritual life. We have as much of God’s blessings and power as we choose to have. You
may want to argue with me on that one but think about it. You have not because you ask not.

Prayer is not some sweet little thing that good Christians do to be religious. Prayer is the
conduit to the greatest power in all of creation. We claim to believe in a God that is all
powerful. A God that can do absolutely anything without reservations. We claim to believe
that there is no task beyond His power. We say we believe in a God with no limitations yet we
restrict God to do only those things we believe He can do. We have therefore put a limit on
God by our lack of faith. For example, we pray for people to be healed but our prayers are too
weak to be heard. Also, we may pray only once or twice and expect God to answer the prayer.
Then when He doesn’t, we cover our lack of faith by saying that it wasn’t God’s will. Not
always, but most of the time, that is a cop out for our lack of perseverance in prayer.

James 5:16 says, “The faithful fervent prayer of a righteousness man availeth much”. That
verse says several things. First of all, our prayers must be faithful, that is full of faith. Secondly,
they must be fervent. And thirdly, they must be prayed by a righteous person.

When we have truly learned that God is all powerful, we will have access to that power
through prayer. Don’t miss this point. The incredible power of the Greatest God in creation is
available to us if we ask. He will share His power with us “You have not because you ask not”.
God will share His power with us if we ask Him to but He won’t if we don’t ask. Jesus said
In John 14:12, “he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater
works than these shall he do; because I go to the Father.


There’s no point in praying if we don’t expect God to answer our prayer. In fact, it may even be a sin to pray when we doubt that God will answer. That is the sin of unbelief. That means we doubt God’s ability to answer our prayer. We don’t really believe Jesus was telling the truth when He said “Whatsoever we ask in His name, He will do”. If we don’t believe God will answer our prayers, why bother. Satan would rather see faithless prayers than no prayers at all.

When you pray, believe that God will answer. Really believe it. Don’t just say you do. Take God at His Word. Claim His promises. Not to claim them is to deny them.

Did Jesus give the disciples the right to cast out demons? NO! He did not give them the right to cast out demons. He gave them the RESPONSIBILITY to cast out demons. When we fail to pray and lay hold of God’s power, we have been disobedient.


Our tendency is to think that we cannot and should not try to change God’s mind. I have heard it said that the purpose of prayer is to align ourselves with God’s will. Many times, that is the purpose but there are times when we should seek to change God’s mind. There are numerous Biblical examples where God’s mind was changed. In Deut 9:12-21, God was set on destroying Israel and the prayer of Moses changed the purposes of God. God sent Isaiah to Hezekiah to tell him to get his house in order for surely he would die. Hezekiah prayed and God added fifteen years to his life. Nineveh was given forty days before destruction would occur but Nineveh repented and prayed and God spared the city.

God may have plans that can be changed if His people care enough to persevere in prayer and come before Him in humble repentance. Remember that God hears the prayers of the righteous and He will not hear us if we are living in sin. Cleanse yourselves and fall on your knees and you will see great and mighty things that will stagger your imagination. God is not through with anything or anybody yet. I don’t say this negatively, but God may not have even begun to work in some of our lives yet. Our most productive days and years may still be in front of us even if we are 60, 70, 80, or even older.

To believe that we can change God’s mind should motivate us to a new level of praying.


Surely you can’t be serious about having a powerful prayer life if your prayer life consists of two or three minutes of prayer time every few days. I’m sure you have heard it said that if you are too busy to pray, you are too busy. Tell me what it is in your life that you do that is more important than prayer and if you can convince me that it really is more important, then I will apologize to you for accusing you of negligence. If I have any takers on that, you are free to speak up now or see me after we are finished tonight.

Not having enough time is a cover up for the real problem. Some of the problems we face are the lack of belief that God will actually hear and answer our prayers. Because we are afraid of unanswered prayers, we just don’t pray. We may not know how to really pray. I have two good suggestions for you and these are points number five and six.


Spend serious time in God’s Word and your prayer life will improve. Serious study of the Word will prompt things for which you should pray. There is credible logic in tying Bible Study and Prayer together all of the time. Serious study of the Scriptures will convict you of numerous needs in your own life and in the life of the church. Of course there is such a thing as studying the Bible for the sake of Bible study alone. That won’t help you grow. You’ve got to dig deep in a small area, not attempt to cover 160 acres at a time.


Whether you struggle with your prayer life or not, praying with others who know how to pray will enhance your prayer life tremendously. I am blessed by being a part of Prayer On Wheels. People thank us for coming to their homes to pray but it is we who go who are really blessed. Many a time, I feel that I am too tired to go. I have had a long day at work and I would like to go home and relax. But when we finish praying, I feel rejuvenated physically and spiritually. I recall one night in a pastor search committee meeting when we had prayed for 20-30 minutes. When we finished, I said, “Wow, I feel good”.

A real side blessing of praying with others is that you learn more about praying. You see how others pray, things they do, and things they say. You pick up new phrases. You participate actively in prayer. With rare exception, our prayers at church are formal prayers when one person prays for the entire group. We generally are passive listeners rather than active participants. Let me explain what I mean by active participants. This is when we do more than just listen quietly when someone else is praying. We may say “Amen”, “Yes, Lord”, “That’s right Lord”, or even groaning. There is nothing wrong with verbalizing support when someone else is praying. When you do that, it encourages the person praying and their prayers get stronger and bolder and more powerful. I’m not suggesting we get verbal in worship services with active participation but we can quietly whisper our support of the person praying.

When one person prays for a group, that’s one prayer. But when eight people gather to pray and all eight pray and everyone is an active participant, that’s 64 prayers. If it were me being prayed for, I will take the 64 prayers anytime.


Father, we come before you tonight seeking to become praying deacons and a praying church because we know where the power is and it’s not in us. Forgive us of our sins of negligence in prayer because we have not prayed as often or as faithfully as we ought. We have not called on you because we have not really believed that you would hear and answer. We call on you right now and repent of the sin of unbelief that your power might be unleashed in this room tonight and that we might be unshackled from all hindrances to a powerful prayer life. I ask that every man here be touched and filled with your power that our prayer lives will become what they ought.

Lord, what happens in this church is largely dependent on what happens to the men who are in this room right now. I pray that your Spirit will come down and touch us as we continue in prayer. Amen.


When we come to our prayer time, I don’t want to set an inflexible agenda. I will always have something ready for you but don’t let that be your prayer guide unless the Holy Spirit tells you it is OK. There are two things I want to suggest tonight. The first is for one person to share with your small group how they can best pray for you and then gather around that man and pray for him. Do this for each one in your group. The second suggestion is for each man to take one or two of the scriptures I have prepared and share with the group how this passage speaks to you and our church and let that fuel your prayer time. Or you may want to merge these ideas. Would you gather in groups of five or six at this time to pray?



Ps 2:7-9; II Chron 7:14, 19-22
Ask of me is the condition. God has promised that He would give us the earth for our possession if we ask. We have not asked and therefore, Satan still has control. If we want to depose Satan and send him packing, we must ask God for possession of the land. Because we have failed in prayer, Satan has prospered. It’s time to reclaim the land. We can go back and blame previous generations for the rampant wickedness in our country. We can blame the Republicans or the Democrats. We can blame the liberal theologians or the fundamentalists for driving people away. The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter who broke it, it’s still got to be fixed. Why waste our time trying to analyze what happened or who caused it. Let’s just fix it.
II Chronicles tells us what we need to do. We are to (1) humble ourselves, (2) pray, (3) seek His face-be obedient, and (4) turn from our wicked ways-repent. If we are faithful to do these things, He will hear, forgive, and heal. If we forsake His commandments, He will uproot us from the land. He will give it over to the enemy and we will experience adversity. Since we have not done what God requires, we have not been given possession of the land. We are merely wannabees.
In Deut 1:21 God commanded His people to take possession of the land without fear. In verse 26 we are told that they disobeyed God by refusing to go. Verse 45 tells of their repentance but it was too late. They had to wait another forty years wandering aimlessly in the desert.
I get chill bumps thinking how exciting it must have been in the Israeli camp after the death of Moses and Joshua was given the charge to take the people in. Joshua 1:6-8 gives the formula for success that Joshua followed and is the same formula that will give us success today. We are to be strong and courageous, meditate on God’s Word day and night, and be perfectly obedient to God’s commands. After forty wasted years, their dream was finally going to be realized. Joshua sent word to the people to get ready. They promised to be obedient. When they were, they had great success. When they were not, they had great failures.
With Moses gone, and Joshua now in charge there is an opportunity for a new beginning. God’s plan was the same as it was from the beginning of time. Blanton Collier was a long time coach of the Cleveland Browns. Once when his team was losing at half time he came into the locker room and said, “We have got to get back to the basics.” Then he held up a football and said, “Gentlemen, this is a football.”
Don’t look for some new innovative program to revolutionize things. God has not changed the basics. The pastor might stand in the pulpit hold the Bible up and say, “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a Bible. We need to get back to the basics of studying His word, praying, and being obedient.” And when we do, we will see God pouring out His blessings on us day after day.
Our pastor recently shared a dialogue between a youth minister and Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, a great praying church. The youth minister asked Rev. Cymbala what he did for his own spiritual life. The response was, “Read the Bible and pray.” Not satisfied, the youth minister said, “No, what do you really DO?” The response was the same, “Read the Bible and pray.” Still not satisfied, the youth minister wanted to know his secret so he kept asking and kept getting the same answer. For whatever reason, we think there is something more effective than Bible study and prayer. God has not changed the basics.
Bible study and prayer time can be as deep or shallow as we want it to be. There is no devotional book or other aid that will take you to the depths of the Word if you are not ready. Until you are hungering and thirsting after God, your study time and prayer life will be on the surface level and you be disappointed.
Historically, great spiritual movements were preceded by a return to studying God’s Word. Many efforts have been made to have revival in a church but those efforts that rely on preaching alone are short lived. Studying God’s Word is not the icing on the cake. It is the basic ingredient. I’m not talking about the kind of Bible study that leads to edification but that which leads to changed lives. It is only when God’s Word finds its way into our behavior that it can take root. Bible study for the sake of knowledge alone is powerless.
Father, forgive me for being lax in my Bible study and prayer time. Don’t let me use another man’s writings as anything more than a jump start. Teach me how to encounter you personally in my quite time by studying Your Word and allowing You to show me how to fashion my life according to Your Word. Show me how to make the study of the Scriptures and prayer the foundation of my life…………………….